travel to tehran

About Tehran


If you are interested about a very brilliant place on earth, visit this magnificently beautiful destination! Of course! you will never ever see again in your lifetime.

Tehran is the largest city and capital of Iran. This city is also the capital of Tehran province and the city of Tehran. The population is 8,429,807 people and is the 18th largest city in the world. The area of this city is 730 square kilometers, with its functions (Tehran province), a population of 13,422,366 people and an area of 18,814 square kilometers.


The administrative structure is concentrated in Tehran. The city is divided into 22 districts, 134 districts (including Rey and Tajrish) and 370 districts.

One the main symbol of Tehran is Azadi Tower. The Milad Tower is another symbol of it. Tehran hosts nearly half of the country’s industrial activities, manufactures automotive, electrical and electronics, textiles, sugar, cement and chemicals in the city, Tehran is also the largest market for carpets and furniture products throughout the country.


In the south of the Tehran suburbs there is a refinery called Tehran Refinery. In Tehran and the suburbs, there are historical religious places such as mosques, churches, synagogues, and Zoroastrian fire temples. On the list of the most expensive capitals in the world in 2008, Tehran was in the final step. Tehran is also on the list of the most expensive cities in the world and based on the cost of living index in the last one.

Tehran’s background


Tehran became the capital of Iran by Qajar Dynasty for the first time.
Tehran in the past was from the villages of Rey and Rey located at the intersection of Qom, Khorasan, Mazandaran, Qazvin, Gilan and Saveh axis due to the important political, commercial, administrative and religious center of the past, and claimants have always been this strategic center Invasion and attack.


The village of Tehran has been a good shelter for officials and other individuals likely to be prosecuted because of the abyss and underground holes and the abundant natural conditions and difficulty of penetrating them. On the other hand, large caravans that crossed the axes were beneficial and were often attacked by the plunder of indigenous people.


In fact, the village of Tehran was the center of the plunderers and the supplement of stolen goods, which continued until the Shah Tahmasb Safavi, who chose Qazvin as his capital.

Tehran stood up against the attack of the Afghans (Pashtuns), which, after capturing Tehran, destroyed the city and destroyed its gardens and vineyards.

At the time of Nader Shah, Tehran was renamed and found in the same city that Nader Shah brought together the great Shia and Sunni leaders and offered them the Islamic alliance and the dispute settlement.

Until the discovering of the Qeytarieh civilization as well as the discovery of works on the hills of Abbasabad, it was believed that the historical background of this city is limited to the works found near the town of Rey, but archaeological discoveries in the Abbasabad Mountains, the fifth floor of the Pasdaran Street and the courses, showed that all the settlements in the area.


The history of the martyrs has left a brilliant period of the establishment of ancient tribes and cultural creations.(In Ibn Balkh’s period, which dates to the years 500-510 AH). It has been renowned for its pomegranates from Tehran.


Although archaeological excavations in the 1321 solar archetypes(1942) in the village of Shemiran teachings have not been mentioned in ancient writings of pre-Islamic Tehran, there are civilized people living in this area in the second millennium BC.


In the olden days, Tehran was a relatively large village located between the great city of the time, the Rey city and the Alborz foothills. For the first time, it was named in the biography of Abu Abdullah Hafez Tehrani. After the Mongol invasion and destruction of the city, Tehran has grown more and more, and some of the displaced people have been displaced, and its area has reached 106 hectares. For the first time, the Safavid first, Shah Tahmasb in 916 AD during the passage of Tehran, the garden and the park boasted this city and ordered it to drag along Barrow and Khandaghi, with 114 towers with a number of Quranic sura and four gates to the four sides of the world, from the north to the artillery and street Sepah(army), to the south to Route Moulavi, east to Rey Street and west to Vahdat-e-Eslami Shahpur(Shapur), the area of Tehran reached 440 hectares during this period.


During the period of Shah Abbas one,(reign 1588 to 1629), a lot of palaces and caravansaries were built, in the northern part of the tower and the barracks of Shah Tahmasb, Chaharbagh and Chenarestani were built, which later wrapped it around the wall, in the form of a palace (Golestan Palace) and The headquarters of the government.

Tehran Name


There is a lot of controversy about Tehran’s scholarship, some of the scholars of the “RAN” have taken the name of, meaning Shemiran and Tehran upstream and downstream.


Some others consider Tehran as a “Teheran” in the sense of the tropical region, in contrast to Shemiran, which is a cold region, as well as some believe that the wide plain, which is today called Tehran, looks good among the surrounding mountains.

The village that had been the city of Tehran had existed before Islam, but after Islam, it gradually became known as Tehran and turned to Tehran.

But the famous geographers of that time also referred to Tehran. At the same time as the Constitutional Movement, which caused a lot of changes in Persian literature and writing, the spelling of Tehran became widespread.

After the establishment of the Persian Language and Literature Academy and its emphasis on the spelling of Tehran, the other spelling Tehran was completely obsolete.

The most interesting theory of the etymology of the name of Tehran is the Iranian linguist living in Norway (Dana Pishdar). According to him, the origin of the name of Tehran should be sought in ancient Iranian languages such as material language and Avestan language.


Since the city of Ray and the region of Tehran in the pre-Islamic period was the largest city of Madad land and considered Zoroastrian as a holy city There is a Zoroastrian religious government like the current Vatican, this is not very likely.


According to the predecessor, the name of Tehran consists of two parts (Teh) meaning “Thistle tree” and “Ran” meaning the domain. The bottom of a word is taken from the Medes language and it means the harsh tree that has emerged in the northern regions in modern times. In the Dehkhoda dictionary, it is also mentioned, and Dehkhoda explains it as follows: the name of a shrine in Shemiranat and around Tehran.

So, Tehran is the great destination where you are going to. Also, the “Ran” suffix is seen in the names of many neighborhoods and villages in northern Tehran.


For example, Shemiran, Jamaran, Qasran, Shahran, Niavaran. In the Avestan language, as well as the book Avesta “Ran” means mountain range, and the name of the city of Ray is related to the same word, “Ran”.


The Medes, who are Zoroastrians, were said to be the largest and most sacred city, Rey, Raga, or Rug, that is, a place on the slopes of the mountain. Therefore, Ray in the Avestan language, the domain and reason for this naming, has been located in the mountain range of Alborz and Damavand.

Iran Tour from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf

21 Days Private Culture tour itinerary for Iran: Iran Tour from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf


Iran Tour from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf

21 Days Private Culture tour itinerary for Iran: Iran Tour from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf

Tehran Tourist Attractions


Shams-al-Emareh(The residence of Qajar dynasty kings), Tower of Tuqrol, Golestan Palace, National Gardens, Saheb Qaraniyah, Government Gate, Tehran Market, Bibi Shahrbanoo mountain, Saad Abad palace, Niavaran palace, Treasury of National Jewels and Palace of City Museums are among the most prominent places in Tehran, where a number of them are open to the public.

Also, religiously, the tomb of Abdulazim Hasani in the city of Rey and Imamzadeh Saleh in Tajrish, Emamzadeh Davoud in the north, and also the tomb of Rouhollah Khomeini (He is also the Iranian revolutionist & former Islamic republic supreme leader) are attended by many visitors.
Treasury of National Jewels.

Valiasr Street is the longest street in Tehran and in the Middle East is considered as one of the most visible streets of the city. In 2007, the municipality of Tehran reconstructed the streets of this street from Tajrish sq. to Rah Ahan sq. which is the main railway station and one of the most iconic places in the city to be a place for a walk.

Tabiat Bridge


The Tabiat bridge or Bridge of Nature attracts everyone’s attention with its strange and complex form.

This large steel structure at the distance of Tehran’s two major parks, Taleghani and water and fire fields, is so attractive that thousands of people come to Tehran’s Abbasabad area to watch or cross over to it every day.

Instructor’s highway nights traffic is also the hobby of most drivers, watching this bridge decorated with creative lighting. You must walk on this bridge to experience the unique stroll in nature. The sensation that has a different color and smell in each season of the year.

Throughout the world, pedestrian bridges give people plenty to experience the strange sense of passing through bridges, and visitors are eager to follow the designated routes. Walking bridges are very popular in Iran.

For example, in Isfahan,Si-o-se-pol and Khaju Bridge are one of the most spectacular views of the city that pass thousands of tourists every year, but the Tehran Tabiat Bridge is unlikely to be the largest and most interesting bridge in Iran, but also the Middle East.


In the heart of the capital, there are two lush green gardens and beautifully connected. The Tabiat bridge, with its modern and complex design, is more than just a masterpiece of engineering, in fact it is an artwork.

The bridge was built on deep roads along the Abbasabad Roads of Tehran. One side of the Tabiat bridge is Taleghani, a tropical forest park, and the other side is the Gardens, or the famous water and fire park.

When we walk on this magnificent bridge, we can be less indifferent to its metal structure, which is twisted like a collage. It took only a few steps on this bridge to make the emotional feeling of lightness and pendulum between the earth and the sky better.


Almost no one can walk on the bridge when it comes to the traffic jam. Looking at the traffic volume of cars passing from the Modarres highway as one of Tehran’s highways, from that height, is really a less experienced and exciting feeling. Of course, Tabiat Bridge is a place to stop and have fun, rather than a route to cross. On the terraces of the third floor of the bridge, surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens, you can watch the whole of Tehran and the various landscapes of Abbasabad with a 360-degree view.


Alborz Mountains on the one side and the endless plain of Tehran plain on the other side have stunning landscapes. Another special attraction of this bridge is its night, which is not only brings a different direction to the unique lighting of the bridge, but also the city’s landscape with all its lights and colors, puts everyone in its place.


The tall towers of northern Tehran, the countless houses in the southern half of the city, and the streets that line all of Tehran with their lights, are also spectacular above the Tabiat bridge. Watching the long queue of cars passing from the highways also throws light on photography.


When it comes to photography. You can see pictures of the sky, green forests, Alborz mountains, busy highways, Milad Tower and the largest flag of Iran clearly.
Experience the Walking in the Heart of Tabiat bridge
that roots in the culture and nature of Iran.



When you walk into the water and fire park while talking to your friend or listening to the relaxing music in the park, you may suddenly find that you are standing right in the middle of the Tabiat bridge and passing cars under your feet.


The reason for this surprise is the design of the Tabiat bridge, whose inputs are made to respect the nature and preserve old park trees. The Tabiat bridge is inspired by the shape of the tree and the harmony with the surrounding nature.

Interestingly, during the construction of this bridge between 2010 to 2014, not even one tree was cut around it. Even in the construction of floors of this bridge, you don’t find any part of woods in there.


Usually bridges are built to pass, but the Tabiat bridge was constructed so that it can be stood and entertained for hours. The Tabiat bridge architecture allows pedestrians to use the entire surface to walk, relax, or watch the natural and urban scenery.


Looking closely at the construction of the Tabiat bridge, you may recall the Khaju Bridge. This is not the case, and its designer has paid attention to the traditional Persian Bridge architecture, especially the Khaju Bridge. Of course, the curved and arched lines on this bridge have made the modern look of the feeling of fatigue and repeat off the road.


The Tabiat bridge, with more than 300 meters in length and forty meters in height, in three floors, is the largest bridge in Iran, perhaps the largest steel element in the country with more than twenty thousand tons of steel.

Architecture and Urbanism


Tehran, due to its capital, soon became familiar with other modern cities, like modern architecture.

The change of Tehran architecture from the traditional to the modern era of Naser-al-Din Shah began, and especially during the Pahlavi era, which modern life left the fence of the court and royal citadel, changed the face of the city.


During the Reza Shah era, the need to establish modern institutions such as banks, government buildings, etc. was increasingly felt, but the design and implementation of such institutions was not feasible in traditional ways, because such institutions required their own architecture and spaces.


The architects who were in the lead in bringing European architecture to Tehran, either were themselves European or graduated from European universities.

Among them, Nikolai Markov, a Georgian architect, graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of St. Petersburg which is in Russia. Maxim Sirou, the French architect Andre Godard, the Iranian architect Mohsen Foroughi, Gabriel Gurkian, an Iranian-Armenian architect who was also known in Europe as architect in Iran and other Armenian architects like Vancouver Harbor, Paul Abrak, Eugene Aftandelians, and Golich Baqilian.


In this period, a modern architecture was built in Tehran, but its decorations and inscriptions inspired traditional or ancient Iranian architecture.

One of the most prominent examples of this architecture is the building of the Palace of the Honorable in the area of the Mashq Square or the Baq-e-melli(the National Garden).

In these years, in the Pahlavi dynasty, Victor Gruman, was the urban planner of Tehran between 1964 and 1967. His plan named the ” Tehran Master Plan”.

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